Frances Largeman-Roth takes your privacy seriously.

Frances Largeman-Roth will not sell, trade, or rent your information to anyone.

When you enter a giveaway on or request further information on a product, we ask for your Name, Email address, and sometimes your State, & Country. For giveaways, we use this information for contacting the winner and in general we use this information to communicate with you about other offers.

Frances Largeman-Roth uses your information for two general purposes:

  • to contact the winner of the giveaway (If applicable),
  • to contact you about specials and new products

Any materials sent to will be considered confidential and will become the property of Frances Largeman-Roth.

We DO NOT RELEASE any information about you to other companies.

For Giveaways: Frances Largeman-Roth will send personally identifiable information about you to other companies or people ONLY when:

we have your consent to share the information
we need to send the information to companies who work on behalf of Frances Largeman-Roth to provide a product or service to you as part of the giveaway prize(s); (e.g. giving the shipping company your address for shipping a merchandise to you)